Thursday, September 24, 2009


我所有的朋友,Photobucket无论已婚与未婚 这是篇很好的文章。。。如果你暂时没有时间细细品味也请你有时间的时候将自己的心沉淀下来,用心的看。谢谢~!因为我写的好文章真的不多了。。。没时间的关系。。。单身,有时不一定是贵族单身也许会比较自由,但自由也有一个同义词,叫作寂寞。因为人不是什麽时候都喜欢一个人独处的有时好东西需要跟人分享Photobucket有时候难过需要人安慰。人生的每个阶段或许不同吧!我现在就觉得单身蛮好的,自由自在,没多少压力,只为将来的事业拼搏,或许事业稳定后,单身时间长了总会有点寂寞吧!Photobucket我就需要一个美好的家庭了,那就自然而然要结婚了。。有人形容跟异性交往,就好像在海边捡石头,大家都会捡喜欢的那一颗。一旦捡到一颗你最喜欢的石头,便把它带回家去,好好对待它,因为那是你唯一的石头。而且要记住,从此後不要再到海边去。Photobucket永远相信要记住,我已经找到最大、最美、最适合我的那一颗。。。跟异性交往最重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好。对所有的感情而言,我认 为过程远比结果重要。为什麽?因为所有的感情都是没有结果的。什麽是结果?结婚吗?结婚之後就过着幸福快乐的日子吗?Photobucket婚姻是人生里最大的一场赌局,需有万全的准备、周详的计划、十足的信任,然後再去押它一把,即使是这样都还有可能输掉。因此如果在赌之前,就知道自己不是心甘情愿、不是很爱他、并不想跟他过一辈子,那麽这一场赌注注定是要输的。千万不要为了爱情之外的任何一个理由结婚。


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


休閒。。。。於工作之外,於可自由運用的時間與金錢下,自主選擇,並可獲得健康愉悅的體驗事。。。。如果真想干点什么大事,中午的休息时间十分有限,但是如果无所事事,中午的休息时间似乎又显得过长了,除了吃吃饭散散步,中午还能做什么? 有人说中午可以上网看看新闻,逛逛论坛,还有人说可以玩玩网页游戏,养养猪偷偷花什么的,除此之外,午休的时间能不能干点更有意义的事,这些事情都太无聊了。 下了班,你们休閒的时间又怎样打发呢??。。。我的工作时间很Flexible,但是忙得时后也很忙。。。午餐的时候我都不准时吃所以中午的休息时间十分有限因为还有别的东西要做。。。。
那么下了班, 我偶尔会约朋友喝喝酒PhotobucketHappy HoursPhotobucket 。。。或是打桌球(Pool)~!! 最近我到一间叫Library休閒小棧那边的环境还蛮不错。。有时间你们也可以到那喝杯东西和聊聊天。。
有时就会在家看港台电视。。。。有时就在网吧 上网看看Pretty Lady。。。。。那你们的午休的时间或晚上的休閒的时间是怎样的呢 ????可以在留言箱告诉我吗??。。。。


Friday, September 18, 2009


伪君子是一些披着羊皮的狼,表面一套,心里一套,在暗中打着自己如意算盘的人,或是一些总爱把自己好的一面展现出来,并且爱编谎话骗人的人.劝朋友们少和这种人打交道! 。。。。。。
表面看上去是个冠冕堂皇 很有风度的男人 可外表的一切都是伪装出来的 其实是个没素质没文化没水准的小。。。。任何都不会说自己是小人,任何人都会说自己是君子,这就是我们判断一个人是不是君子,是不能光听他嘴上是怎么说的。。。。。 伪君子.他们说一套做一套,嘴上仁义道德,心里男盗女娼,坑蒙拐骗,十八般武艺样样精通,他们是人面兽心.真君子我们不常见,这年头伪君子,我们见得还少吗?。。。。。生活中遇到这样的人,外表光芒四射,实乃十足的伪君子。感觉这样的人很危险,不知该如何相处!。。。虚伪的人喜欢听刻道话,你越是夸他他越找不到北。与这样的人相处你可以不停的夸他敷衍他,表面上他很谦虚的不肯承认其实心理是非常开心的,你就让他带着他所谓的理想溺死吧。

呵呵,生活当中难免遇到一些虚伪的人,逃避并不是什么太好的方法,比如就说你的上司吧,有些人是你必须要面对的,且换上一个方面去想凡是存在的就 是合理的,那些所谓虚伪的人也并不是没有存在的价值的,对你来说他们也许是一笔财富,你可以利用起来,那些人通常要面子,也许外表光芒四射也只不过是掩盖 自己自卑心里的一种表现呢~~=。=


Monday, September 14, 2009


这次我想带给大家一些资讯关于讲喝讲吃的主题,如果谁又想吃又不懂那里有好地方,可以留言在我的FUN CHAT BOX给我自知道你想吃什么我会帮你找。。。 然后放在我的blog给你们知道。。

De Pastry Chef


如果过了普通的营业时间 (9:30pm - 10pm) 而又想吃甜品的时候我就会到这里来...
价钱也蛮公道的一盘意粉价钱由 RM7.50 起
One of the bakeries that serves many types of cheese cakes and close at midnight ~ so if i want desserts after 9:30pm or 10pm when most of th e bakeries are closed i know where to go... Photobucket
i notice in the menu they also serve food like soup, sandwishes and pasta
prices are also very reasonable as a pasta dish starts from RM7.50

Tartlets @ De Pastry Chef

很多很多的迷你派 ~ Photobucketlots and lots of tartlets ~

一盒里有 12 个
每个 RM2...
They are so pretty:
12 in a box... RM2 each

有草莓的, 杂果的, 芒果的, 葡萄的, 荔枝的和龙眼的
These are the fruit tartlets:
strawberries, mixed fruits, mango, grapes, lychee and longan

这些是草莓和巧克力慕丝的:Strawberry mouse and Choclate mouse tartlets:

幸好都是小小的 所以还接受得来...
i find them too sweet
so glad that they are mini in size... and the sweetness bearable

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Birthday Cake

Thank For Ai Wah Spend Your Lunch Time At Office To Do This Birthday Crad To Me....I Love It Because Have A Big Boob Girl...... ha..ha..ha.....

Friday, September 11, 2009


To My Beloved Miss....,

You are always on my mind, I can't stop thinking about you. The first thoughts when I wake, and the last thoughts before I go to sleep are of you. I am such a lucky guy to have found such a wonderful woman. I miss you so much, it has been too long since the last time I saw you.

Your smile is so beautiful and magical. Every time that I think of your smile it lights me up inside. Even when I am having a really bad day, seeing you smile makes me want to smile too and it makes me forget about the previous events of the day.

Miss...., you must be the most caring person on earth. You seem to have an unlimited amount of patience and kindness. Every time I make a mistake you are right there to support me.

I have had such a great time with you no matter what we are doing. As long as you are around, even doing the most mundane activity is fun. I hope that we'll see each other everyday when I Meet again, I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I miss you so much.

Love always,

My Birthday

Happy Birthday Comments
Happy Birthday Comments

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


某一天的晚上,我的情绪有点不上不下。。我也不懂为甚么??什么是情绪??情绪是當我們生理或精神上受到外來刺激時,會引起種種的心理反應,這些反應即為情緒?? 或是 a)表情:眉頭緊皺、嘴角下垂、拳頭緊握、肌肉緊繃 ,b)行為衝動:打人、摔東西,c)憤怒:生氣、微慍、急怒、煩躁、敵意、較極端則為恨意與暴力,d)快樂:滿足、幸福、愉悅、興奮、驕傲、狂喜,以及極端的躁狂???这叫情绪吗???我就拿起我的字典告诉我自己和你们吧。。。。 绪和情感是指人对于客观事物是否符合自己的需要而产生的态度的体验。 情 緒和情感是指人對於客觀事物是否符合自己的需要而產生的態度的體驗 ,情 緒和情感是外界事物所引起的愛、憎、愉快、不愉快、懼怕等的心理狀態 , 情 绪:人从事某种活动时产生的兴奋心理状态;或指不愉快的情感。 情 緒:人從事某種活動時產生的興奮心理狀態;或指不愉快的情感。 情感:对外界刺激肯定或否定的心理反应,如喜欢、愤怒、悲伤、恐惧、爱慕、厌恶等。 情感:對外界刺激肯定或否定的心理反應,如喜歡、憤怒、悲傷、恐懼、愛慕、厭惡等 , 情 绪是“心灵、感觉或感情的激动或骚动,泛指任何激越或兴奋的心理状态“ ,情 緒是指感覺及其特有的思想、生理與心理的狀態及相關的行為傾向。
看了字典后,我的情绪有一些的冲动想把我的心里话告诉她。。。。就是谢谢她。。。想起你看他眼神中的满足我学会了服输,他能给你保护代替我的照顾,我只能偷偷地为你祝福。。我真的谢谢你的结束却带来冷冷的残酷 ,谢谢你的知足告诉我别再付出 ,谢谢你的温度记忆留在我的最初 ,谢谢你曾让我们幸福。过几天是我的生日不知道她是否还记吗。。所以说往事只能回味。。。。。。。

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sex Addiction

1. What is sex addiction? Sex addiction is a way some people medicate their feelings and/or cope with their stresses to the degree that their sexual behavior becomes their major coping mechanism for stresses in their life. The individual often can not stop this sexual behavior for any great length of time by themselves. The sex addict spends a lot of time in the pursuit of his or her sexual behavior/fantasy or they may have a binge of sexual behaviors.

2. Why do people become sexually addicted? This is different for every sex addict but generally speaking there are biological, psychological, and spiritual reasons. The following is a short explanation of each reason why someone can become a sex addict. The biological addict is someone who has conditioned their body to receive endorphins and enkephlines (brain chemicals) primarily through reinforcing a fantasy state with the ejaculation that provides these chemicals to their brain. Psychologically, the need to medicate or escape physical, emotional or sexual abuse can demand a substance, the early addict finds the sex medicine usually before alcohol or drugs. Spiritually, a person is filling up the God hole in them with their sexual addiction. The addiction is their spirituality, it comforts them, celebrates them and is always available and present. Then there is the sex addict who can be two or even three of the above reasons. This is why a specialist in sex addiction is the best route for recovery with sex addiction.

3. Can you be addicted to masturbation? Yes, this is by far the most common sex addiction that I have treated in working with sex addiction. This usually is the first sexual behavior many of us will have on a repeated basis. This is usually where the sexual compulsion starts with sex addicts and this behavior, regardless of other acquired behaviors, usually stays active.

4. Can someone be a sex addict and not be sexual with their spouse or committed relationship? YES! We call this later stage of sex addiction, sexual anorexia. In this stage of sex addiction, the addict prefers the fantasy world and fantasy sex with themselves or others instead of relational sex with their spouse or partner. The addict/anorexic avoids relational sex and hence this couple has sex infrequently and often at the partners request not the addict/anorexics.

5. What is it like to live with a sex addict from a partner’s or wife’s perspective? The partners/wives of sex addicts report many similar feelings about living with the sex addict. The feeling of aloneness is a common experience with partners of sex addicts, the sense that he can't open up and tell you about his "real" self. The confusion of even after you do certain behaviors that this still is not enough and the hopelessness that there isn't enough. Anger for many different unmet needs as a person and as a woman are often common.

If you or someone you love is dealing with sex addiction, there is help available for you. If you would like to talk to someone right now, please send me an email.